10 candidates from Zimbabwe were recently selected by World Triathlon to attend an Olympic Solidarity funded World Triathlon Level 1 Coaches Course in Harare.
Unfortunately with the sudden opening up of schools after extended lockdown, 2 prospective coaches had to remove themselves from the course due to work commitments.
8 participants – 3 females and 5 males attended the 5 day face to face course which was facilitated by Neil Mac Pherson from RSA who was appointed by World Triathlon.
Prior to the 5 day course, they had just over a month to complete extensive online modules.  All 8 participants attended 100% of the in-house face to face sessions.
Whilst on the course, each coach had to design a session and present it and have had to submit Emergency Action Plans for their sessions and complete all the online work, in order to pass.
All candidates have submitted their work to the Facilitator for grading and we will soon be announcing the successful newly accredited World Triathlon Level 1 Coaches.


Triathlon Zimbabwe